У статті розглядається значення та роль арт-терапії у роботі з дітьми з особливими потребами. Висвітлено різні види арт-терапії, які сприятимуть успішній соціалізації, серед яких: терапія засобами зображувальної діяльності, музична терапія, лялькотерапія, казкотерапія, фольклор, іпотерапія.
В статье рассматривается значение и роль арт-терапии в работе с детьми с особыми потребностями. Освещены различные виды арт-терапии, которые способствуют успешной социализации. Главными среди них являются терапия средствами изобразительной деятельности, музыкальная терапия, куклотерапия, сказкотерапия, фольклор, иппотерапия.
Today the traditional for Ukraine is a humane and tolerant attitude to children who require special attention because of
their special needs. Due to limitations in communication, self-service, movement, control over their behavior, the
development of these children depends on the needs of other people, it is a multifaceted process of social rehabilitation.
Therefore, the problem of social adaptation of children with special needs is very important in modern conditions.
Integration of children with disabilities in society largely depends on the creation of a positive image of these children,
attention is given to their potential abilities and approaching them in order not to humiliate the human dignity of both children and parents. The influence of works on the spiritual and psychological well-being human is well-known. Pleasant music, sympathy improves mental health, restores faith in their own strength, detects latent abilities. As a sphere of individual and public, creativity influence the public consciousness and reflects the psychology of the people. That is why this method as art therapy is effective in work with children with special needs. Highlighted the various types of art therapy, which will contribute to the successful socialization, including: therapy means of graphic activity; music therapy; dollterapy; fairy tail terapy; folklore; hippotherapy.