В статті розглядаються питання можливості запровадження стретчингу як одного з видів занять фізичними
вправами. Подається аналіз сучасних науково-методичних напрацювань щодо травмонебезпечності, ефективності та
результативності динамічних та статичних стретчинг-вправ, їх вплив на розвиток швидкості, рівноваги, самопочуття,
тривожності, якості життя.
В статье
рассматриваются вопросы о возможности введения стретчингу как одного из видов физическими упражнениями. Подается
анализ современных научно-методических наработок относительно травмоопасности, эффективности и результативности
динамических и статических стретчинг-упражнений, их влияние на развитие скорости, равновесия, самочувствие,
тревожности, качества жизни.
The article discusses the
question related to the possible introduction of stretching as one of the types of physical exercises. This work provides an analysis of
developments of domestic scientists on the impact of physical education on the health of school children and possible ways of its
improvement. Here are the main results of modern scientific and methodological developments of foreign scientists on the use of stretching-exercises in the wellness physical education and sport. Proven the effectiveness of this kind of exercise to all persons, who use mobile
phones and tablets with small screen. Also, we present the results of the developments of the other authors, concerning the influence of
static and dynamic stretching-exercises on an athlete`s speed, accuracy, balance and strength. A significant place is occupied by the
scientist`s conclusions and their recommendations regarding the implementation of stretching exercises in the training process. It is
confirmed that stretching-exercises improve health, reduce anxiety and positively affect the quality of life. Here we provide the data on
trauma danger of various types of stretching exercises, their influence on the speed of onset of fatigue and performance training productivity
In determining the relations of the Ukrainian high school girls for physical education lessons in school, it was found that almost all respondents have the desire to do a modern "fashionable" means of physical education. In a personal conversation with pupils, to motivate
then to do systematic stretching should focus on the impact of these funds on health, well-being, opportunities of shaping and developing flexibility.