У статті розглядаються питання застосування адаптованих організаційно-управлінських інновацій в національній
сфері фізичного виховання та спорту.
В статье рассматриваются вопросы применения
адаптированных организационно-управленческих инноваций в национальной системе физического воспитания и спорта.
The article discusses the use of adapted organization and management innovations in
the national system of physical education and sport. According to the scientists of national system of physical education and sport should be
the basis of psychophysical reproduction potential of the people, promote health and improve the physical fitness of the population out of the managerial nature, there is an urgent need for the use of adapted organizational and managerial innovations in the social economic
substructure substructure which is physical education and sports. There is no objection to the fact that the level of development of physical
education and sport is in a certain dependence on organizational coherence management mechanism that guides ongoing development of
the industry through collaboration and a clear delineation of powers of state bodies, carrying out a clear program of action for the
proceedings of public policy of its development , determine the place and role of NGOs in these processes. Trends in the industry indicate
the presence of integration processes aimed at aligning national standards administrative sphere of physical culture and sports to the level of
leading countries. Management innovation eventually transform the very way of functioning or a certain system and will achieve effective
results. Using adapted organizational and managerial innovations in the national system of physical education and sport will form part of
effective management. Quality activities which will implement the declared strategic directions of the state system and create the necessary
conditions for sustainable functioning.