Дисертація містить результати теоретико-експериментального дослідження
проблеми підвищення стимулюючої функції педагогічного контролю знань, умінь і
навичок студентів вищого навчального закладу. Обгрунтовано дидактичні підходи
до вибору та застосування засобів педагогічного контролю, розроблено методику
впровадження їх у навчальний процес вузу. Запропоновано конструктивну систему
оцінювання здобутих знань, умінь і навичок, яка відповідає навчальним
можливостям студентів, сприяє їхньому всебічному розвитку та формуванню
стабільних пізнавальних інтересів.
Диссертация содержит результаты теоретико-экспериментального
исследования проблемы повышения стимулирующей функции контроля знаний,
умений и навыков студентов высшего учебного заведения. Обоснованы
дидактические подходы к выбору и использованию средств педагогического
контроля, разработана методика их внедрения в учебный процесс вуза. Предложена
конструктивная система оценки полученых знаний, умений и навыков, которая
соответствует учебным возможностям студентов, способствует их всестороннему
развитию и формированию стабильных познавательных интересов.
The theses detect and prove the contest, the structure and the technology of
thematic rating of students knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) evaluation. The
methods of applying thematic rating control system of students achievements were
researched. The pedagogical interpretation of knowledge evaluation after
traditional and innovative control were studied. New theoretical knowledge as to
implementing thematic rating control at higher school were received. The theses
elaborates theoretic conditions of the pedagogical control structure, test and
evaluation of KSA, which is based upon thematic rating education and evaluation.
The efficiency of thematic rating evaluation, computer testing were compared to
the traditional evaluation of students KSA. The research work widens scientific
knowledge as to the theory of evaluating students cognitive activities and practical
implementation of KSA control.
The methods of founding and applying thematic rating control system can be
applied at educational institutions of various types and degrees. Application of this
technology to the educational process makes possible to get objective and precise
information on the depth to which the students have mastered their knowledge.
Using of KSA control results in the further education takes the most important
place in thematic rating system of evaluation. Definition of the most important
control functions of educational, stimulating and control functions have directed
the research to the search of optimal ways of organizing the educational process,
foundin conditions for efficient control which would provide for continious reverse
information on the level of students’ KSA and stimulating them to further
educational activities. The standard control which is based upon computer testing
is an important component of the thematic rating educational technology. It is
directed on the personal development. Control efficiency as an educational
component is based upon connecting its various kinds.The theses prove that KSA
control being a necessary component of the educational process influences the
teacher’s activities which are directed towards the readiness of students to
cognitive actions. The readiness to cognitive activities is viewed in connection to
such its components as orientation towards it, which is based upon motivation and
educational level of a person, level of teaching and learning abilities of a student.
Each kind of control has its specific interconnected tasks which depend on general
result of future stecialists’ training. Application of different control types can be
optimized by using general resources that influence control’s stimulating function.
Application of Personal Computers (PC) in education allows to check every
knowledge element more frequently, to develop the stimulating function of
knowledge control, to differentiate and individualize control of students cognitive
activities, which influences the level and quality of education positively.
Transfer from tasks of reconstructing and variation types to the tasks of search
and research types influences management character of the cognitive process and
moves towards self-management. PC helps optimize the level of cognitive
independence. PC software helps implementing principles of differentiation and
individualization of teaching. Thematic rating system of KSA control provides for
implementation of the principle of systematic teaching. Computer testing on the
basis of multi-scale evaluating system being a part of thematic rating control rises
students interest in final results. Multi-mark scale allows to evaluate the
knowledge level of a certain theme more precisely and to manage further steps in
students cognitive activities. Methods of mathematical statistics prove
experimental results. Taking into consideration the time factor allows to define the
level of keeping in mind special notions, algorithms of solving problems, level of
functioning the knowledge in skills. Application of computer in connection with
thematic rating system of evaluating KSA allows to increase the time fund allotted
for the research work of a teacher.