У статті визначається роль використання засобів мультимедіа у навчально-виховному процесі педагогічного ВНЗ, та
охарактеризовані основні чинники, що впливають на сприйняття та засвоєння навчального матеріалу. Висвітлені можливості
засобів мультимедіа у формуванні музично-педагогічної компетентності майбутніх педагогів дошкільних навчальних закладів.
В статье определена роль использования средств мультимедиа в учебно-воспитательном процессе
педагогического ВУЗа, и охарактеризованы основные факторы, влияющие на восприятие и усвоение учебного
материала. Освещены возможности средств мультимедиа в формировании музыкально-педагогической
компетентности будущих педагогов дошкольных образовательных учреждений.
The article outlines the role of the using multimedia in the educational process of higher education, and describe the main
factors that affect perception and learning. The known capabilities of multimedia in the educational process, the advantages and
disadvantages of their application. In the process of forming musical pedagogical competence of future teachers of preschool
education – educator sand musical leaders the Internet resources were used during diagnostics of civil qualities of students
("Motivation of professional activity" of K. Zamfirin A. Rean`s modification) [2]; psychology-pedagogical qualities of future teachers ("Differentially diagnostic questionnaire" E. Klimova, "Method of exposure of communicative and organizational capabilities (KOZ-2)
[3] by a way by the use on-line of tests. The experiment al method of forming of musical pedagogical competence of future
specialists of preschool education included the using of multimedia lectures, videos-shows of situations, during the practical reading
with subsequent application of interactive methods. With the purpose of intensification of process of independent work in there
commended list of literature for preparation of students in employments separate sites joined for the receipt fin formation of different
sort–text audiovisual material after a different subject, including social network of "VKontakti". Also in the process of musical studies
of students used the Internet programs which was preliminary downloaded on mobile devices – plane-tables and telephones:
programs "My Piano", "Classic Metronom", "Shazam", "Teacher of fortepiano" etc.