У дисертації розроблено нову теоретико-методологічну концепцію моделювання
структури медіатекстів, яка ґрунтується на універсальному принципі фрактальної
будови навколишнього світу та його об’єктів. Запропоновано нове визначення
фрактальної моделі як теоретичного конструкту, що унаочнює розгортання теми в
медіатекстах інформаційного, аналітичного та інформаційно-аналітичного жанрів, в
основі яких лежить їх різномасштабна рекурсивна структурна самоподібність.
Уточнено визначення медіатекстів як складних когнітивно-семіотичних різножанрових
утворень, сконструйованих за фрактальними моделями. Змодельовано варіантні
конструкти німецьких і українських медіатекстів, які мають дво- (α- і ω-фрактали:
замітка, синоптичне повідомлення, коментар) та трифрактальну (α-, φ- та ω-фрактали:
інформаційна стаття, кореспонденція й інтерв’ю) будову. Виявлено домінантні для
медіатекстів категорії референційності, евіденційності та темпоральності, які
корелюють із жанровою належністю текстів та їх фрактальною будовою.
The thesis is dedicated to the study of fractal modeling of the invariant-variant
media text structure in the German and Ukrainian languages. These texts are designed as
multi-scale recurrent semiotic units in the modern global informational space and reflect
the objective-subjective ideas of the representatives of the German and Ukrainian mass
media about foreign policy and synoptic areas that significantly affect the daily lives of
Germans and Ukrainians.
Fractality as a multi-scale structural self-similarity of an object allows for a new
view on and modeling of such a complex communicative unit as a text on the main stages
of its informational unraveling from the header to the final semiotic sign.
Depending on their volume, two- or three-fractal models of informational,
informational-analytical and analytical media genres are distinguished in the German and
Ukrainian languages. Such variants of the informational invariant as a brief news item,
news article, and newspaper report are thus in the inter-genre fractal relations, indicating
the universality of the aforementioned principle of forming this type of multi-scale media
texts. This is primarily due to the situational factors of the media sphere of human
communication, when the creation of informational texts is accompanied by the lack of
time and space.
A brief news item is characterized by the two-fractal structure both in German and
Ukrainian media practice. According to the principle of language economy, the initial α-
fractal contains the informational core of the message, formulated mostly in simple
sentences with the basic data about WHAT, WHERE, WHEN etc. The final ω-fractal
contains a brief unraveling of this informational structure in simple and complex
sentences. The difference in Ukrainian brief news items is their increased volume and the
absence of standards.
German and Ukrainian news articles are built based on the three-fractal model: the
α-fractal as a header block, the φ-fractal as an intermediate informational block that briefly
highlights the initial fractal, and the ω-fractal, where the main news is fully unraveled
informationally, based on the principle of inverse pyramid, when the most important is
presented first. In German, the authors avoid the explicit expression of their subjective
point of view as opposed to Ukrainian, where occasional analytical elements are present.
This can be seen as a tendency for greater analyticity of Ukrainian news articles. German and Ukrainian newspaper reports are built based on the three-fractal model:
α-, φ- and ω-fractals. It is the largest variant of the informational genre in both languages,
characterized by considerable diversity in unraveling the news in the final fractal in order
to encourage the recipient to read the entire text in full, as opposed to news articles and
brief news items. In the α-fractal of this variant model the authors are trying to get the
recipients interested in the news by submitting incomplete information via the use of
nominative syntactical construction. In the final fractal of the media practice in both
languages, a general tendency to combine informational and analytical presentation of
information can be noted.
A synoptic message in German and Ukrainian media practice is a two-fractal
creolized semiotic formation consisting of verbal and nonverbal parts with the dominance
of the latter. The α-fractal in both languages contains an informationally empty thematic
headline with a local reference, which briefly unravels in the ω-fractal. German and
Ukrainian synoptic messages differ in grammatical, stylistic-rhetoric, pragmatic and
nonverbal aspects, due to extra-linguistic reasons.
The informational-analytical model in German and Ukrainian media texts has three-
fractal structure. The similarity in the α-fractals in both languages is their presentation of
the key statement of the conversation between a journalist and a respondent. The
difference in the Ukrainian φ-fractal model lies in its standardization and similarity to a
concise message with a block of questions and data about the respondent. In the ω-fractal,
which contains a dialog, the answers of Ukrainian respondents are generally characterized
by formality and monologue, and those of German respondents – by dialogue and
conversational approach.
A two-fractal model of a commentary consists of the α-fractal containing an
intriguing evaluative headline expressed predominantly by a nominative sentence, and the
ω-fractal unraveling the author headline according to the following pattern: introduction of
the topic, argumentative block, and conclusion; they are primarily expressed by simple and
complex sentences in two paragraphs. In the German commentary on foreign policy, a
tendency towards the conversational and individual author styles is noticeable.
A headline block as an initial fractal of media texts depends on their genre in both
languages. The main function of the informational media text changes with the increase in
its size: the function of informing prevails in short texts, and the function of attracting
attention – in long ones. Whereas in the informational-analytical model in both languages
the α-fractal explicitly registers the key message of the respondent, in the analytical model
it vividly conveys the main content of the text, which is explicated by rhetoric and stylistic
The categories of reference, evidence and temporality, dominant for informational
and analytical media texts, correlate with their genre and fractal structure. The similar
reference can be traced in both languages: in the α-fractal, the main referent is introduced
as succinctly as possible, in the φ-fractal, its full identification takes place, in the ω-fractal,
different ways of its reference are used. The category of evidence has mostly similar
means of expression in both languages, different ones are characteristic only for German
due to its linguo-typological peculiarities. The prevalence of report evidence is common
for informational media texts in both languages, and the prevalence of inferential evidence – for analytical ones. With the increase in size of the informational media text, the
proportion of inferential evidence increases and that of report evidence decreases. The
informational invariant in both languages has the following tense distribution: the α-fractal –
present / past tenses, the φ-fractal – past / present / future, the ω-fractal – past / present /
future; the distribution for the informational-analytical invariant is as follows: the α-fractal –
present / past tenses, the φ-fractal – present / past, the ω-fractal – present / past / future; for
the analytical invariant: the α-fractal – present / past tenses, the ω-fractal – present / past /
В диссертации разработана новая теоретико-методологическая концепция
моделирования структуры медиатекстов, которая основывается на универсальном
принципе фрактального строения окружающего мира и его объектов. Предложено
новое определение фрактальной модели как теоретического конструкта,
демонстрирующего развертывание тематического содержания медиатекстов
информационного, аналитического и информационно-аналитического жанров, в
основе которых лежит их разномасштабное рекурсивное структурное самоподобие.
Уточнено определение медиатекстов как сложных когнитивно-семиотических
разножанровых образований, сконструированных по фрактальным моделям.
Смоделированы вариантные конструкты немецких и украинских медиатекстов,
имеющие двух- (заметка, синоптическое сообщение, комментарий) и
трехфрактальное (информационная статья, корреспонденция и интервью) строение.
Установлены доминантные для медиатекстов категории референциальности,
эвиденциальности и темпоральности, которые коррелируют с их жанровой принадлежностью и фрактальной структурой.