У статті викладені основні положення дидактичної системи процесу навчання техніці єдиноборств на
основі теорії оптимального навчання з використанням прямокутних матриць. У цієї дидактичної системи
використані два підходи: глибоке навчання і навчання за допомогою основних положень побудови рухового акту.
В статье изложены основные
положения дидактической системы процесса обучения технике единоборств на основе теории оптимального
обучения с использованием прямоугольных матриц. В этой дидактической системе использованы два подхода:
глубокое обучение и обучение с помощью основных положений построения двигательного акта.
The article outlines the basic provisions
of the didactic system of physical culture and sports associated with the construction of the theory optimal education in physical
culture and sport using rectangular matrix. Two sides (the deep of education and the education by using main points of
movement) are in this didactic system of physical culture and sports. The deep of education includes the level (or deep) of
education. It is means that educations of technique on the level of knowledge equal the mastering of space, education of
technique on the level of skill equal the mastering of space and time, education of technique on the level of experience equal the
mastering of space, time and force. The methodic of education includes two parts: oriental and executive parts. The oriental part
basis on building of oriental foundation of movement (ОFM), trace of movement - basic support points (BSP) are the marks of
building trace of movement. Phases of executive movements, disposal of in movement (angles), disposal of opponent body’s
parts and etc. are the basic support points (BSP). The executive part as usually includes realization of technique” to refusal”,
executor do this technique to full fatigue (in single combats it is 500 executions of technique). In case of executive the
combination of two technique: 500 (1 technique) + 500 (2 technique) + 500 (combination of technique) = 1500 technique.
Executer does 10 series of 50 techniques. We have the next figures with using of rectangular matrix in our case: 21 х 10 (1
technique) +21х10 (2 techniques) + 21х10 (combination) = 630 techniques. Executer does 10 series of 21 techniques. Using the
proposed theory of optimal education by rectangular matrix it is possible to reduce the time of beginning education of technique
in single combat in 2, 38 (80% of level of skill equal the mastering of space and time). There is the structure of optimal education
model in physical culture and sport using rectangular matrix.