В статті наведені данні щодо покращення планування та технічної підготовки спортсменів поясників з
урахуванням ускладнених умов тренування і значень психорегуляторних впливів.
Приведены данные по улучшению планирования та
технической подготовки борцов на поясах с учетом усложненных условий тренировок и значений
психорегуляторных воздействий.
The results of monitoring to improve technical training belt wrestlers with the action
of stress factors and values psyhoregulation indicators. Forming of motive abilities of students on the belts Alysh begins facilities
of wrestling from planning of training process. As a rule, planning is conducted on a current year with a breech-sight on the four-
year-old period of preparation of sportsmen of поясників. A training process is planned taking into account preparation to
realization of basic competitions of current year: championship of Ukraine, Cup of Ukraine, championship of Europe,
championship of the world and important international tournaments on the belts Alysh. Other competitions are examined, as the
stages of preparation and verification of readiness of sportsmen to the main, above-mentioned tournaments. Competition activity
of fighters of high qualification is related to high psychical tension that causes an origin for the sportsmen of the very difficult and
various psychical experiencing and negative mental conditions. Usually they are perceived by a man as negative emotions and
unpleasant somatic feeling and, as a rule, reduce efficiency of activity. Taking into account, that contention activity in sport of
higher achievements takes place in extreme terms, the special value is acquired by the question of control of the psychophysiology state.