У статті проаналізовано психолого-педагогічна література та інформація з мереж Інтернету щодо
особливостей педагогічного контролю студентів у вищих навчальних закладах. Узагальнені та систематизовані
методичні прийоми та форми контролю знань, умінь та навичок студентів факультету фізичного виховання зі
спортивної дисципліни «Спортивно-педагогічне вдосконалення – настільний теніс». Обґрунтовано такі види
контролю за навчанням: попередній, оперативний, поточний, етапний, підсумковий та основні методи контролю:
усна, письмова, практична, тестова перевірки.
В статье проанализирована психолого-
педагогическая литература и информация из сетей Интернета об особенностях педагогического контроля
студентов в высших учебных заведениях. Обобщены и систематизированы методические приемы и формы
контроля знаний, умений и навыков студентов факультета физического воспитания по спортивной дисциплине
«Спортивно-педагогическое совершенствование - настольный теннис». Обоснованны следующие виды контроля
знаний: предварительный, оперативный, текущий, этапный, итоговый и основные методы контроля: устная,
письменная, практическая, тестовая проверки.
The article analyzes the psychological and pedagogical literature and
Internet information on the specifics of pedagogical monitoring and assessment of knowledge and skills of students in higher
education institution. Teaching methods and forms of control of knowledge and skills of students of physical education in sports
discipline «Sport and Pedagogical Improvement – table tennis». The following types of control studies are analyzed: preliminary,
operational, current, landmark, final and main control methods like: verbal, written, practical, test examinations. Effective
management of teaching sports disciplines requires number of conditions, one of which is a control system that accurately and
objectively reflect changes occurring in the body under the influence of training. Thanks to such methods as operational, current,
stage control the «feedback» between teacher and student can be carried out. By analyzing and assessing the results,
correcting the training process, teacher makes it manageable. While defining urgent training effect under operational control
within one training session with a view to appropriate alternating load and relaxation. Operational control data allows adjusting
dynamic of the load quickly during classes. In carrying out this control technical preparedness of students for the passed subject
in each module was estimated, namely the students showed and described methods of movement at the table, the basic stance
of a tennis player, correct bat grip, performance of imitating exercises, technique of attacking and defensive strokes. The workout
was conducted, including simulation exercises, to remember the correct grip and stance of a player. In evaluating the abilities of
students to master the technical skills various methods of bouncing ball with the bat were used, as well as simulation exercises,
bouncing the ball against the wall hitting a target mark, during studying various technical strokes, playing against "return board"
with forehand and backhand drives and with slices, with the correct execution and number of times estimated. Current control
also consisted of evaluating theoretical knowledge through verbal questioning, short testing during practical classes. Landmark
control is carried out for information on the cumulative training effect, which is obtained during one academic semester. With its
help the correct choice and use of different means, methods, dosage physical activity defines. Also the foregoing leads to the
conclusion that the teacher should combine a set of methods and forms of control of educational achievements of students
(checkup of technical training and general and special-physical training, test verification, completion of individual tasks, checking
the material put to self study). For the most notable results students should be advised educational, scientific, methodical
literature, they should be taught to work with both traditional and electronic catalogs, video materials.