У статті обґрунтовано програму фізичної реабілітації спортсменів ігрових видів спорту 20-25 років після
перелому променевої кістки в типовому місці у післялікарняному періоді
В статье
обоснована программа физической реабилитации для спортсменов игровых видов спорта 20-25 лет после перелома
лучевой кости в типичном месте в послебольничном периоде.
n the article the program of physical rehabilitation for
athletes playing sports 20-25 years after a fracture of the radius in a typical place in after hospytal period.Fractures of the
forearm up more than half of fractures of the upper extremity and 25% of all fractures of long bones. Damage wrist in athletes is
most common when doing sports games. It fractured the radial bone in a typical place is the most common injury forearm and
there is usually a fall on the outstretched hand. A frequent complication of this fracture is limited mobility of the joints of the
fingers and the shoulder joint due to insufficient physical activity of the patient.The problem of the treatment of these injuries and
their consequences in athletes, despite the existence of different methods as conservative and operative nature. This leads to
the loss of sports performance. Analysis of sources makes it possible to note that there is insufficient amount of literature on
physical rehabilitation athletes play sports at the turn radius in typical location, especially among local media, which led to the
topic of our study. Scientific studies in recent years indicate that medical practice is a lot of work on the issue of rehabilitation of
patients with injuries of forearm, but the mechanical transfer of these techniques in the process of sports and physical
rehabilitation is not possible. Available also work with sports traumatology and rehabilitation of athletes after injuries, mostly
devoted to injuries of the lower extremities, spine and shoulder damage. Consequently, there is no scientific publications on
physical rehabilitation of athletes playing sports on the next stages to the full restoration of sports performance after the fracture
of the radial bone in a typical place.