Перехід України до ринкових умов сприяє підвищенню ролі управління в системі освіти. В статті розглянути
основні концепції в області менеджменту фізичного виховання студентів, розкрити зміст компонентів управлінської
діяльності та запропоновано модель циклічності процесу управління щодо підвищення якості освітньої послуги.
Переход Украины к рыночным условиям способствует повышению роли управления в системе
образования. В статье рассмотрены основные концепции в области менеджмента физического воспитания
студентов, раскрыты содержание компонентов управленческой деятельности, и предложена модель цикличности процесса управления для повышения качества образовательной услуги.
The transition
of Ukraine to market conditions promotes the role of management in the education system. Dynamic conditions development of
the economic potential of the country, increase of requirements to quality of training that only effective approaches to learning
can ensure sustainable development of the organization. Against this background of physical education in the training of future
professionals should take a leading role, since the state of the health depend the future academic success of the student.
However, studies in education management of physical education of students], not enough attention is paid. Today's difficulties
in the system of physical education of students generated by the inability of some of the leaders in the field of management
education, to use the positive experience of previous years. basic concepts and methods of modern management. The
management process is a continuous one, where every action causes a state change of the control object, and requires
matching with the purpose and repeat actions in the same sequence. We, at the department of physical education, sport and
health of the Mariupol humanitarian University has implemented the quality management model of physical education of student
youth, which is based on the cycle of management process and reflects the continuous formation and improving the quality of
educational services. Implementation of the developed model of quality management education for physical education in higher
education allows to optimize the condition potentially controllable external conditions and to ensure the quality of education in the
subject "physical culture"