В статті приведено результати авторського дослідження динаміки фізичної підготовленості студентів.
На підставі отриманих даних стверджується, що навчальні заняття з фізичного виховання, які проводяться в обсязі
4 навчальних годин на тиждень, є чинником, що здійснює суттєвий вплив на позитивну динаміку показників фізичної
підготовленості студентів.
В статье приведены результаты авторского исследования динамики физической подготовленности
студентов. На основании полученных данных утверждается, что учебные занятия по физическому воспитанию,
проводимые в объеме 4 учебных часов в неделю, являются фактором, который оказывает существенное влияние на
положительную динамику показателей физической подготовленности студентов.
Nowadays physical
education as a discipline in higher education discussed actively. Universities offered such forms as "Individual", "sectional" which
essentially derive physical education outside the educational process. The main argument in favor of this approach is to reduce
the cost of training students. At the same time, the vast majority of specialists in physical education reasonably believe that
implementation of these proposals will lead to a decline in physical fitness of students, a negative impact on their overall
readiness for professional activities. The aim of the study was to test the assumption that the lessons of physical education in the
amount of 4 hours per week is a factor that has significant impact on the level of physical fitness of students. 132 students of
Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after V.Lazaryana participated in study. Age study participants
made 17 - 18 years. Diagnostic indicators of physical fitness of students carried out using such tests as running 100 meters,
running 3,000 meters, pulling on the bar, lifting body in Sid for a minute, long jump away, shuttle run 4 to 9 meters, torso forward
from a seated position. Indicators that confirm the presence of statistically significant differences in the students the experimental
and control groups for all types of tests were established. It is concluded that the lessons of physical education, which are held in
the amount of 4 hours per week, is a factor that has significant impact on the physical fitness of students.