У статті ставиться спроба проаналізувати становлення спортивної форми із спортивним календарем
змагань, наводиться доказова база по становленню спортивної форми в умовах малих циклів змагань.
статье ставится попытка проанализировать становление спортивной формы со спортивным календарём
соревнований, приводится доказательная база по становлению спортивной формы в условиях малых
соревновательных циклов.
An attempt to analyse becoming of
sport form with the sport calendar of competitions is put in the article, an evidential base over is brought on becoming of sport
form in the conditions of small competition cycles. Experience of the best specialists and their pupils shows that than higher
qualification of sportsman, the less time he needs for a transition from the state high training in the state of sport form. Objective
borders within the framework of that the achievement of sport form and her maintenance are possible are determined by the
specific of competition discipline, size and character of the inlaid effort, degree of tiredness, and also dynamics of processes of
renewal and super renewal of organism. Presumably, the question is not so much about capacity possibilities of stable (base)
components of sport form, how many about operative. There is no doubt, that objective terms and pre-conditions for the greater
dynamics of sport form will exist in the brief on effort types of sport : jumps, throwing, sprint et al, while in the types of sport,
entail the enormous expenses of substance, energy and information, periods of achievement of sport form and her maintenance
will be more long. We will consider only some of debatable questions, L.P. Matveev related to basic definition. For example, that
becoming, maintenance and temporal loss of sport form is possible only within the framework of large training cycle
(macrocycle). Opponents make quite bit examples of very frequent acquisition and loss of sport form depending on a sport
calendar. These examples, however, do not have durable basis, because traced analytically not enough, as far as in a
corresponding competition the realized sport result is near to their maximum to the achievement. Consequently, a question is put
about that, whether a sport achievement can to be the criterion of sport form, and if an answer is positive, then at what terms.