Розглянуто особливості застосування сучасних форм фізичного виховання для дітей з ослабленим
здоров’ям з досвіду вчителів-практиків, які використовують як традиційні, так і нетрадиційні методики на уроках
з фізичної культури. Застосування фізкультурно-оздоровчих технологій в системі шкільної освіти передбачає
значні можливості для формування здорового способу життя та є важливим засобом забезпечення повноцінного
розвитку дітей, зміцнення їхнього здоров’я.
Рассмотрены особенности применения современных форм
физического воспитания для детей с ослабленным здоровьем из опыта учитетей-практиков, которые
используют как традиционные, так и нетрадиционные методики на уроках физической культуры. Применение
физкультурно-оздоровительных технологий в системе школьного образования предусматривает значительные
возможности формирования здорового способа жизни детей и является важным средством обеспечения
полноценного развития детей, укрепления их здоровья.
The features of contemporary forms of physical education for children with impaired health
uchitetey from the experience of practitioners who use both traditional and non-traditional techniques at physical training
lessons. An effective means of preserving and improving health advocates physical education, which is an important means
of ensuring the full development of children and youth, strengthening their health, promoting healthy lifestyles. According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, about 89% of children with diseases of the cardiovascular system, upper respiratory tract,
musculoskeletal system, of the nervous system. Of particular concern is spreading among students neuropsychiatric
dysfunction. Successful problem solving sports and recreation activities in secondary schools promotes the comprehensive
use of various means of physical education. By means of physical education include exercise, natural environmental factors
(health forces of nature) and hygiene factors. The main means of solving problems sports and recreation activities and the
achievement of its goals is physical activity students (exercise, folk games and fun). AIDS is a health forces of nature (sun,
air, water, land) and hygiene factors (Diet and nutrition, compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene). Each
group means solves specific problems, but together they allow versatile influence on the body of children. Implementation of
fitness technology in the school system based on respect for the individual approach to determining the health characteristics
of students, their physiological responses to exercise using constant medical and pedagogical control and various forms of
recreational activities. An integrated approach to the use of fitness technology will improve student performance in both
physical and mental development, growth data motor preparedness, timely relieve mental fatigue and improve the success of
students. Application of fitness technology in teaching and education in schools becomes effective if the technology adapted
to the conditions of the institution and the foundation of their contents constitute means of physical culture as the most
accessible and best factors of forming and maintaining the health of the individual.