У статті обґрунтовано сучасні підходи до застосування фізичної реабілітації у підлітків 10-14 років з
компресійними переломами грудного відділу хребта у лікарняному періоді.
В статье обоснованы современные подходы к приложению физической реабилитации у подростков 10-14 лет с
компрессионными переломами грудного отдела позвоночника в больничном периоде.
In the article the modern approaches to the
application of physical rehabilitation in adolescents 10-14 years with compression fractures of the thoracic spine in the hospital
period. Compression fractures of the spine in children is a serious and dangerous prognostic damage to the musculoskeletal
system. Mia L. Erickson notes that over the past decade incidence in children of stable compression fractures of the spine and is
growing from of all skeletal injuries. Statistical data compression fractures of the spine point on the one hand, to improve the
diagnosis, the other - the decline in the index of children's health (reducing the number of children nehvoriyuchyh year), early
changes in the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the musculoskeletal system (juvenile osteoporosis, bone dysplasia),
decreased physical activity and injury prevention ineffective. The special medical and social rehabilitation and the importance of
studying the causes of compression fractures of the spine in children and the search for ways to improve the efficiency of
treatment by means of physical rehabilitation. Physical rehabilitation concept are generally conservative treatment (functional
method) or the method of early mobilization, followed by wearing the cast. The main objective of the method - create a full
«muscular corset» with a spine immobilization in bed with the use of therapeutic exercises, massage and physiotherapy.
According to the literature on this problem, scientists are paying special attention to the development of a set of therapeutic
exercises. Despite this, there is a lack of work, which was to issue a comprehensive analysis of proposed programs that improve
results of physical rehabilitation of children. In addition, the pedagogical aspects of physical rehabilitation of children in
underdeveloped and justified, often undifferentiated depending on age, initial level of physical fitness and physical properties test
results; neglected value medical and pedagogical control in the use of tools and techniques of physical rehabilitation.