В статті описується метод визначення рівня рухової активності студентів на основі Міжнародного
питальника рухової активності (IPAQ).За допомогою цього методу встановлено що високий рівень рухової
активності мають лише 18,9 % студентів, тоді як у 63,8 % середній і в 17,3 % низький. Також виявлено що рівень
рухової активності знижується з курсом навчання в напрямку його зростання.
В статье
описывается метод определения уровня двигательной активности студентов на основе Международного
опросника двигательной активности. С помощью этого метода установлено, что высокий уровень двигательной
активности имеют лишь 18,9% студентов тогда как в 63,8% средний и в 17,3% низкий. Также выявлено, что
уровень двигательной активности снижается с курсом обучения в направлении его увеличения.
One effective means of maintaining
and strengthening health is doing the recommended amounts of physical activity. However, to examine the extent to which
various levels are practiced in reality, use of a valid and reliable method is necessary. The International Physical Activity
Questionnaire (IPAQ) described in this article is such a method. The basic procedures used for processing data obtained through
use of this tool along with the steps taken to ensure the legitimacy of results are discussed. Adherence to these standards aids in
avoiding no consensus results, and significant difficulties in their interpretation, subject to application of identical sampling and
survey tools. Surveying the level of physical activity was conducted in three Ukrainian universities. In one university first through
fourth year students participated and in two others first through fifth year students were surveyed. The total sample size was
1,161 students. Results of the study revealed that high levels of physical activity were achieved by only 18.9% of students, while
63.8% ranked moderate and 17.3% were considered low. A comparison of each university shows physical activity percentages
do not have significant differences and are within 17 to 20 percent at the high level, 62-65 moderate and 15-20 percent low.
According to an analysis of the levels of physical activity per gradein each university, the percentage of high levels increase in
the second year from the level of first year students. However further examination of the dynamics involved demonstrates a
decrease in high levels of physical activity with increasing academic year at the same time as an increase in low levels occur.