Проаналізовано та узагальнено досвід навчально-виховної роботи вищих навчальних закладів, спрямований
на формування фізичних якостей студентської молоді. Визначено сутність, компоненти та принципи оздоровчої
системи Пілатеса у руслі формування фізичної культури особистості студентів у процесі фізичного виховання.
В статье проанализирован и обобщен опыт учебно-воспитательной
работы высших учебных заведений, направленный на формирование физических качеств студенческой молодежи.
Определена сущность, компоненты и принципы оздоровительной системы Пилатеса в русле формирования
физической культуры личности студентов в процессе физического воспитания.
The article analyzes and summarizes the experience of educational work of higher education institutions, aiming at the
formation of the physical qualities of students. The essence of the components and principles of Pilates improving the system in
line with the formation of physical training of the person of students in physical education. Joseph Pilates's revolutionary methods
of strengthening, toning, and even lengthening the body have become hugely popular all around the world. Joseph Pilates urged
people to realize the importance and benefits of a perfectly balanced body and mind and preached that his exercise regimen,
which he called contrology, would do just that. Although Pilates was developed in the early 1900s, it’s taken some time to
develop into the phenomenon it is today. The popularity has grown as the benefits have come to light, with people getting results
and feeling better. Word of mouth, as well as key people in the media touting its benefits, has made Pilates widespread in gyms,
studios, and homes throughout the world. Joseph Pilates created an effective combination of stretching and strengthening that
works for practically every body. His greatest legacy remains his classic mat exercises, the original 34 exercises detailed in his
book Return to Life Through Contrology. Many Pilates schools teach or progress the exercises differently, with the end product
being an evolving method. Although some of the more recent fitness research might suggest that his ideas of spinal alignment
are not ideal and that you need to use caution when performing some of the exercises, especially if you have certain conditions
or pain, for the most part his original ideas and exercises are still sound and will help create a practical solution to fix posture and alignment issues. Thus, the system of exercises J. Pilates can be used both during the mandatory training of students in physical education and in self-employment.