У статті обґрунтована система професійно-прикладної фізичної підготовки студентів агрономічних
спеціальностей агропромислового комплексу.
В статье обоснована система профессионально-прикладной физической подготовки студентов агрономических
специальностей агропромышленного комплекса.
Modern intensification of
agriculture in the conditions of market relations requires the exceptionally high level of physical reliability and readiness to
productive labour. Researches show at the same time, that most graduating students of higher educational establishments (more
than 60%) fall short of today these requirements and cannot to a full degree execute the functions laid on them. From all
methods of decision of this problem used in practice most effective, from data of modern presentations, there is the
professionally-applied physical preparation (PAFP) carried out on the stage of the direct educating in educational establishment.
At development of every system PAFP it is necessary to take into account requirements to physical reliability and readiness of
representatives of select professions and specialties and development of technology of their realization. In the article the
features of professional activity of workers of different areas of plant-grower open up: professiogrammer, important professional
qualities and their meaningfulness. Factors providing effective adaptation to the terms of professional environment and climatic
terms are certain. The professionally-forming program of physical preparation, taking into account the features of influence of
environment, harmfulness of production, offers.