В статті розглядається функціонування кардіореспіраторної системи у дітей з дитячим церебральним
паралічем та шляхи її оптимізації. Показано взаємозалежність серцево-судинної і дихальної систем та їх роль у
житті при даній неврологічній патології, визначено вплив та ефективність застосування запропонованої програми.
В статье рассматривается функционирование кардио-респираторной
системы у детей с детским церебральным параличем и пути её оптимизации. Показано взаимозависимость
сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной систем и их роль при данной неврологической патологии, определено влияние и
эффективность применения предложенной программы.
article discusses the physiology of respiration and cardiorespiratory functioning in children with cerebral palsy and way of its
optimization. Interdependence of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and their role in life of people with such neurological
disorders, the influence and effectiveness of the proposed program is represented. At rest, for 4/5 provides inspiration is
provided by the diaphragm. Reduction of the diaphragm muscle, tendon being transferred to the center, result in a flattening of
its dome and increasing of the chest cavity vertical size. In this case, the abdominal organs are pushed down and relax the
muscles in the abdominal wall stretching it forward and sideways. During inhalation sequence of process is as follows: with the
helps of nerves impulses are received by the inspiratory muscles, which are reduced and thereby the size of the chest in all
directions is increased. Along with increase in the size of the chest lung capacity increases. While stretching of the lungs air is
distributed in a larger volume. During research, we placed emphasis on exercises that stimulate the respiratory function, and
thus normalize the cardiorespiratory system. We use drainage positions as well as, dynamic and static breathing exercises
suggested by various authors, depending on the individual circumstances of a child, taking into account the level of the disease and intelligent data of children.