У статті показано особливості функціонального стану та адаптаційних пристосувань серцево-судинної
системи організму юнаків при тривалих фізичних навантаженнях.
В статье показаны
особенности функционального состояния и адаптационных приспособлений сердечно-сосудистой системы юношей
при длительных физических нагрузках.
The article shows the features of the functional
state of adaptation and adaptations of the cardiovascular system of young men during prolonged exercise. The need for the
achievements of the modern theory of adaptation in practice using training loads caused by finding the most effective means and methods to optimize the preparatory and competitive activities. You keep a high level of adaptation reactions in modern sport
typical of the final stage of years of training associated with preservation of achievements at the highest level is accessible and
has a complex specifics. The high level of functional systems adapt to long, intense and varied stimuli can be saved only in the
presence of intense maintenance loads. Therefore, the problem of finding such a system load that would ensure the
maintenance of the achieved level of adaptation and simultaneously caused the depletion and depreciation structures of the
body responsible for adaptation is extremely urgent. The cardio vascular system is one of the most important systems that play a
leading role in the adaptation to certain environmental factors and, in particular, tophysicalactivity. According to the research
chofmanyauthors, there sultofregular, properly dosed physical activity is a significant function extension and adaptation of the
cardio vascular system (CVS). While adaptation tophi sicalactivit improves myocardial contract ileforcedecreases its need for
oxygen, significant structuring neurohormonal regulatory mechanism facilitates economization of the heart and in crease the
energy potential. Therefore, further study of this problem is extremely urgent. Without clear criteria for determining the
physiological adaptation of the cardiovascular system cannot assess the nature of the changes that occur in the body during
prolonged exercise, predict the possibility of violations of health and rationally organize the process of physical education.