Розглянуто значення поняття «цінність» та сутності «цінності» як складової частини формування у
студентів ставлення до власного здоров’я. Показано необхідність рівноцінного поєднання ціннісної системи
студентів і їх відношення до власного здоров'я. Проведено аналіз особливості специфіки взаємозв’язку цінностей і
здорового способу життя. Зазначено на відсутності у вищих навчальних закладах систематичної роботи з
виховання у студентів ставлення до власного здоров’я. Також – недостатня робота викладачів з пропаганди переваг
здорового способу життя та дотримання його норм у повсякденному житті.
Рассмотрено значение понятия «ценность» и сущности
«ценности» как составной части формирования у студентов отношения к собственному здоровью. Показана
необходимость равноценного объединения ценностной системы студентов и их отношения к собственному
здоровью. Проведён анализ особенности специфики взаимосвязи ценностей и здорового образа жизни. Отмечено на
отсутствии в высших учебных заведениях систематической работы по воспитанию у студентов отношения к
собственному здоровью. Также – недостаточная работа преподавателей по пропаганде преимуществ здорового
образа жизни и соблюдения его норм в повседневной жизни.
The analysis of the investigations of the students’ health has been carried out.It
clearly indicates that under influence of different factors, the deterioration of their health condition and their physical development
has been observed. Nowadays the problem of strengthening their health, giving them access to a healthy way of life is one of the
most acute problems of the social policy. The majority of the students haven’t got the formed motivation for saving health, the
adequate knowledge, skills and habits are absent. It has been proved, that an acute problem at the present stage is revealing of
the potential abilities of the value concerning the students’ forming the attitude towards saving and improvement of their own health. Realizing that the value, as a factor of forming the attitude towards their own health, is an objective necessity, will help to
direct students towards correct organization of their own life, to provide their harmonious development ,unity of physical, mental
and spiritual needs of a person. The meaning of the term ‘value’ has been considered. It has been summarized that values are
divided into the levels (an individual-individual values, a family-family ones, a collective-collective ones, etc.), depending on a
combined subject, whose interests they present. The essence of ‘value’ as a component of forming the students’ attitude towards
their own health, has been considered. The necessity of equal unification of the students’ value system and their attitude towards
their own health, has been shown. Ranging of the values among the first-year students of the technological specialities of
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, has been carried out. The level of the students’ attitude towards their health as
a value, has been analysed. The analysis of realizing the importance of attitude towards the health as a value by the students of
the technological specialities, has shown that the students’ attitude to their health as a value, hasn’t been sufficiently formed; a
low level of notions about the health value; inadequacy of self –appraisal of their own health. The analysis of the peculiarity of
the specific character of intercommunication of values and healthy way of life, has been carried out. Absence of the systematic
work on training the students’ attitude towards their own health, has been pointed out. The conclusion about necessity to take
the principle of the personal students’ responsibility for their health and its saving as a basis of the healthy way of life, has been