Проведено соціологічне опитування та аналіз організації навчального процесу 460 школярів 14 - 17 років м.
Суми, які навчаються у загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах різного типу. У результаті кількісної оцінки
психогенних факторів встановлені статистично вірогідні зв’язки впливу конфліктів у сім’ї та школі,
інтелектуальних та емоційних психічних перенапружень у школі та у позашкільний час на самопочуття і ризик
розвитку вегето-судинної дисфункції у дітей 14 - 17 років
Проведен социологический опрос и анализ организации учебного процесса 460
школьников 14 - 17 лет г. Сумы, которые учатся в общеобразовательных учебных заведениях разного типа. В
результате количественной оценки психогенных факторов установлены статистически достоверные связи
влияния конфликтов в семье и школе, интеллектуальных и эмоциональных психических перенапряжений в школе и во
внешкольное время на самочувствие и риск развития вегето-сосудистой дисфункции у детей 14 - 17 лет
Тhe article is devoted to the problem of optimization of psych prophylactic work with
adolescents. The topicality of the research is caused by the increasing of indicator of teenagers’ morbidity with nervous system
diseases in recent decades. Disorders of the nervous system are one of the main etiologic and pathogenetic factors of
vegetative-vascular dysfunction in children. The aim of the article was to quantify the factors of psychogenic component of the
vegetative-vascular dysfunction risk in children aged from 14 to 17 years. A sociological survey and analysis of the educational
process was made among 460 pupils aged from 14 to 17 years in Sumy, who were studying in secondary schools of various
types. As a result of the research the structure of a psychogenic component of the risk of vegetative-vascular dysfunction was
determined. А point system estimation of psychogenic factors of the vegetative-vascular dysfunction risk was proposed. The
obtained data were subjected to regression analysis. According to the survey, it was found that 52,04% of children aged from 14
to 17 years felt themselves completely healthy, 41,11% of the pupils – almost healthy, 6,85% of adolescents aged from 14 to 17
years – not enough healthy. It was determined that 20,13% of children did not have good relations in the family, 92,19% of
adolescents had weekly study load that exceeded hygienic norms, 14,94% of children did their homework during the period of
time that exceeded hygienic norms, only 56,17% of the pupils were fond of sport at free time. The study revealed a significant
correlation between well-being, self-rated health, taking drugs during the last month and the presence of vegetative dystonia
according to the questionnaire A. M. Wayne (p ˂ 0,001). Statistically significant correlations of the impact of conflicts in the family
and school, intellectual and psycho-emotional overstrains at school and after school and sedentary lifestyles on the well-being,
on the self-rated health and on the risk of vegetative-vascular dysfunction in adolescents aged from 14 to 17 years were