Стаття присвячена актуальним питанням розгляду системи організації і проведення занять з баскетболу
серед студентів вищого навчального закладу. Проведено аналіз навчально-методичного матеріалу та визначено
рівень базової теоретичної та фізичної підготовленості студентів, які обрали баскетбол у якості виду спорту
дисципліни фізичного виховання.
Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам рассмотрения системы организации и проведения занятий по
баскетболу среди студентов высшего учебного заведения. Проведен анализ учебно-методического материала и
определен уровень базовой теоретической и физической подготовленности студентов, выбравших баскетбол в
качестве вида спорта дисциплины физического воспитания.
The article is devoted to the current issues consideration of the organization and conducting of basketball classes for
students from non-core universities. The analyzed of teaching materials and determined the level of theoretical and physical
training of students who have chosen basketball as a sport discipline of physical education.
Based on the above aim of our research was to study the level of technical and tactical training of students of non-core
universities that deal with basketball in his system of physical education. Studying objectives of the: analyze scientific and technical
literature to determine the form of lessons of physical culture among students; identify basic level of theoretical preparedness of
students for the series "basketball"; establish the level of special physical readiness students; develop practical recommendations
to improve the effectiveness of lessons on basketball among students.
Determination of the effectiveness of the organization and conduct classes in basketball in the system of physical training
of students of not profile high schools made it possible to establish that the current conditions of higher education institutions
establish the possibility of the development of educational material with sports, including basketball, at the level of increase is
primarily the development of techniques sport at the expense of tactical training.