Дослідження авторів статті «Обґрунтування педагогічних умов організації самостійної роботи з формування фізичного вдосконалення студентів вищих навчальних закладів» Остапова А.В.,Гордієнко О.В.,Мусіяченко Є.В. полягає в
теоретичному обґрунтуванні й експериментальній перевірці педагогічних умов організації самостійної роботи з формування фізичного вдосконалення студентів вищих навчальних закладів.
Research of authors of the article consists in supposition, that organization of independent work from forming of physical perfection of students of higher educational
establishments will be effective at such pedagogical terms: forming for the future specialists of readiness to independent work from forming of physical perfection ; preparations of teachers of P.E of INSTITUTION of higher learning are to organization of independent work from forming of physical perfection of students; introduction is in an educational-educator process from P.E of INSTITUTION of higher learning of health technologies that is sent to forming of physical perfection of students. On the basis of analysis of scientific literature by the authors of the article theoretical principles of forming of physical perfection were certain for student young people, essence description of independent work is exposed from forming of physical perfection of students, criteria, indexes and levels of readiness of students to independent work from forming of physical perfection and the analyze state of organization of this activity of students of INSTITUTION of higher learning, are worked out in an educational-educator process from P.E. By authors in theory is ground and the pedagogical terms of organization of independent work are worked out from forming of physical perfection of students of
higher educational establishments, certain pedagogical terms are experimentally tested and experience job performances are generalized, prepared methodical recommendations from organization of independent work of students from forming of them physical perfection.
Исследование авторов статьи заключается в теоретическом обосновании и экспериментальной проверке педагогических условий организации самостоятельной работы по формирования физического совершенствования
студентов высших учебных заведений.