Обоснована эффективность применения игрового метода на уроках адаптивной физической культуры (АФК) с детьми, имеющими нарушения зрения, направленного на развитие пространственной ориентировки, учитывающей особенности развития, их отношение к игровой деятельности, условия проведения урока.
Обґрунтовано ефективність застосування ігрового методу на уроках адаптивної фізичної культури (АФК) з дітьми, що мають порушення зору, спрямованого на розвиток просторового орієнтування, враховує особливості розвитку, їх ставлення до ігрової діяльності, умови проведення уроку.
In this article the effectiveness of use of the playing method during adaptive physical training lessons, that are given to the children with visual impairment, is founded. This method is aimed at the development of a child’s spatial awareness, and it takes into account the peculiarities of the children, their attitude to playing activity and the conditions for giving a lesson. A playing method, as a rule, is characterized application of different games. A game is the model taken from a certain vital situation, and for this category of children it is the training factor of social adaptation. She gives to occupying wide independence of actions, displaying initiative, resourcefulness, ability to be oriented in unknown space, here the permanent and sudden change of situations on motion a game obligates to decide these tasks in the earliest possible dates, мобилизуя their motive capabilities. High emotional and physiological tension meeting in most games assists to effective influence of physical exercises on an organism, assists optimal expression of functional possibilities of organism, to the display of leading qualities of personality at co-operating with each other, forming spatial presentations on their basis.