У статті визначено найбільш сприятливі райони Харківської області для проведення спортивно-оздоровчих походів. Встановлено, що головною метою проведення спортивно-оздоровчих походів підлітків є укріплення здоров’я, підвищення фізичних якостей та психологічної стійкості, у той же час при підготовці до них необхідно враховувати фактори, що сприяють виникненню небезпеки та по можливості реалізувати їх усунення.
В статье определены наиболее благоприятные районы Харьковской области для проведения спортивно-оздоровительных походов. Установлено, что главной целью проведения спортивно-оздоровительных походов подростков является укрепление здоровья, повышение физических качеств и психологической устойчивости, в то же время при подготовке к ним необходимо учитывать факторы, способствующие возникновению опасности и по возможности реализовать их устранения.
The most favorable areas of the Kharkiv region for realization of sports and health-improving hikes are determined in the article. Trainings in tourism are the unique sports and health-improving type of employments, that consists in the fact that their influence is not limited by renewal of physical and psychological forces, but also is aimed at realization of cognition of environment, phenomena of nature, its protection, study of culture of the past and modern world. Exactly these components of education are insufficient for children during engaging in physical culture at school. It is necessary to spare the special attention to physical, technical, tactical and psychological preparation and forming of groups of participants during preparation to the hikes. The important components at preparation to the hikes are: composition of routes taking into account districts where violation of hygienical normative internals of drinking-water take place, ecological state, determination of extent of a route and character of artificial coverage. It is necessary to consider next factors during sports and health-improving hikes: knowing of locality where environment is polluted by physical and chemical elements, deficit of components of healthy environment (aero backgrounds, ultraviolet, etc), hygienically conditioned actions that invigorate and temper; organization of rational feed is for the long period; rational loading for every child, both in before hike preparation (walks, expeditions, trips, excursions, athletic and sports employments) and during a hike, at obligatory skilled medical-pedagogical control, that provide efficiency and safety of loadings; consideration of emotional and psychical overload and stresses during a hike. It is determined that the main aim of realization of sports and health-improving hikes of teenagers is invigoration, increase of physical qualities and psychological firmness. At the same time it is necessary to take into account factors that assist the origin of danger and if it is possibility to realize their removal during preparation to them.