В статті розглядається системно – структурний підхід щодо розвитку рухів спрямованих на підвищення швидкісно – силової підготовки осіб, які займаються бігом на короткі дистанції.
В статье рассматривается системно - структурный подход по развитию движений направленных на повышение скоростно - силовой подготовки лиц, занимающихся бегом на короткие дистанции.
Track and field athletics is the kind of sport which unite exercises on walking, running, jumping and throwing as well as other kind of exercises which are consisted of these kinds. In the learning programs of special higher educational establishments namely on faculties of physical education track and field athletics is the obligatory learning subject and this kind of sport takes the important place at overall training of specialists. During learning the students learn rational technique of track and field athletics’ exercises to do moving activities as coordinated and precise as for direction, amplitude, force, rhythm that is students learn ability of control their activities and movements. The moving experience which are gained during lessons on track and field athletics positively effects on forming labour skills. The lessons will be more interesting and useful when students gain knowledge not only on theory and methodology of track and field athletics but also on adjacent subjects such as pedagogics, psychology, physiology, hygiene etcetera. During training process loads gradually risen; there are various difficulties which must be overcome. Doing lessons at adverse meteorological conditions, competition with stronger opponents, adhering rules and sport ethics promote education of moral and strong – willed qualities of athlete such as patriotism, purposefulness, hard – working, diligence, resoluteness, boldness, self – possession, honesty etcetera. Comparative simplicity of lesson places creates conditions for application of lessons for improving health of students from early age. The value of track and field athletics’ exercises is that during the lessons physical qualities are being developed such as force, quickness, endurance, flexibility, adroitness. Sports walking and long – term running makes active the action of various elements of organism. Running on short distances promotes developing quick and force abilities; running on mean and long distances promotes endurance; running with obstacles promotes adroitness, coordination of movements. Jumping exercises promote quickness, quick and force abilities; these exercises improve coordination of movements. The lessons on throwing promote development of force, quick and force abilities.