Показаны возможности влияния на психоэмоциональное состояние квалифицированных боксеров путем применения специальных воздействий, основанных на эффектах классического и сегментарного массажа (рефлексогенные, стимулирующие). Представлены внетренировочные средства стимулирующего характера, направленные на мобилизацию функций и увеличение способности организма противостоять утомлению в условиях соревновательной деятельности.
Показані можливості впливу на психоемоційний стан кваліфікованих боксерів шляхом застосування спеціальних впливів, заснованих на ефектах класичного і сегментарного масажу (рефлексогенні, стимулюючі). Представлені позатренувальні засоби стимулюючого характеру, спрямовані на мобілізацію функцій і збільшення здатності організму протистояти втомі в умовах змагальної діяльності.
In the article are shown potential effect of special influences means for psichoemotional status of qualified boxers by sporting and segmentary massage. Subsidiary means of stimulating directions for mobilization functions and increase possibilities of power working capacity to opposite fatuque appearance during training and competitive activities. Modern ideas about subsidiary influences for optimization of psychical adaptation to the training and competition loading make clear, increasing tension of training process determines the necessity of search and realization possibility reserves of organism in preparation technology of high qualified athletes. Sport training intensity is characterized by strengthening the role of different components in this process. It behaves to the electoral use of subsidiary means. It is known, that facilities work for optimization of urgent reactions on loading and adaptations, intensifications of training process, being the important element of the specially organized algorithm for reserve possibilities realization of the special capacity for athletes in training and competition activity. For the increase of efficiency the training influences, his psichoemotional state, are widely used subsidiary means accelerate recovery processes, helps athletes in preparing. It are means of corrections the psichoemotional state of athletes, taking into account specificity the processes of fatigue and recovery. The aim of such influences is creation of pre-conditions for renewal of capacity to maximal (or optimal) realization of athletes motive and power potential, his psychical possibilities.