В статті розглянуто питання розвитку рухових якостей студентської молоді за допомогою технічних засобів, роль і місце рухового компоненту в підготовці баскетболістів у навчально – виховному процесі. Зазначені рекомендації з розвитку рухових якостей надають змогу студентам під час учбово – тренувального процесу і самостійних занять покращувати рівень власної фізичної підготовки.
В статье рассмотрены вопросы развития двигательных качеств студенческой молодежи при помощи технических средств, роль и место двигательного компонента в подготовке баскетболистов в учебно-тренировочном процессе. Указанные рекомендации по развитию двигательных качеств дают возможность студентам во время учебно-тренировочного процесса и самостоятельных занятий улучшать уровень своей физической подготовки.
Development of motive qualities of students-basketball-players by means of technical equipments. The history of technological means that are used in physical education and sports training shows that first of all are appeared training devices without feedback. They are constructed often by coaches and athletes which are enthusiasts of the business themselves. So far in domestic and world literature there are many numerical information about such training devices, which are effectively used in the preparation of athletes. Then training devices with feedback are appeared which are more progressive because they enable to assess qualitatively and quantitatively actions of an athlete directly during exercise. The next step was the creation of many contour simulators with feedback and urgent information at which there are programmed at the same time multiple vital signs of athlete. For this purpose it is organized a number of simultaneously active feedback circuits which naturally leads to a more complex design of simulator. However, these costs are payed off with the help of additional possibilities of multiplanimetric simulators that allow more precisely dosing training load, to find the best variants for technique of movements based on individual athlete opportunities and to solve a number of other important tasks of sports practice.