Суть розробки, основні результати:
1. Оптимізація функції двох змінних, використовуючи метод градієнтного спуску [Електронний ресурс]. − Режим доступу : http://www.mathros.net.ua/optymizacija-funkcii-dvoh-zminnyh-vykorystovujuchy-metod-gradijentnogo-spusku-na-delphi.html
2. Поиск подходов к решению проблем / Прангишвили И.В [и др.]. − М. : СИНТЕГ, 1999. – 284 с.
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6. Pet’ko L.V. Formation of professionally oriented foreign language teaching environment in the conditions of university for students of specialties 023 «Fine Arts» and 022 «Design» / L.V.Pet’ko // Economics, management, law:realities and perspectives: Collection of scientific articles. Psychology. Pedagogy and Education. − Les Editions L'Originаlе, Paris, France. 2016. − P. 466−471.
URI http://enpuir.npu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10254
7. Pet’ko L.V. Teaching of students’ professionally oriented foreign language writing in the formation of professionally oriented foreign language learning environment / L.V.Pet’ko // Economics, management, law: innovation strategy: Collection of scientific articles. Psychology. Pedagogy and Education. − Henan Science and Technology Press, Zhengzhou, China. 2016. − P. 356−359.
URI http://enpuir.npu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10252
8. Pet’ko L.V. Formation of professionally oriented foreign language teaching environment in the conditions of university for students of art specialties / L.V.Pet’ko // Economics, management, law: problems of establishing and transformation: Collection of scientific articles. Psychology. Pedagogy and Education. – Al-Ghurair Printing & Publishing LLC, Dubai, UAE, 2016. – P. 395−398.
URI http://enpuir.npu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9779
9. Taplin Margaret. Stories About Famous Mathematicians [Web Site] / Margaret Taplin. Access mode : http://www.mathgoodies.com/articles/stories.html
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11. Vassberg John C. Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Part I: Theoretical Background [Web Site] / John С.Vassberg, Antony Jameson. Lecture for Karman Institue Brussels, Belgium 8 March, 2006. − 30 р. − Access mode : http://aero-comlab.stanford.edu/Papers/Vassberg-VKI-Lecture01.pdf
12. Weisstein Eric W. Spider and Fly Problem [Web site]. – Access mode : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SpiderandFlyProblem.html