У статті проведено аналіз існуючого змісту фізичної підготовки військовослужбовців у керівних документах Управління державної охорони України та висунуто пропозиції щодо його оптимізації.
В статье проведён анализ существующего содержания физической подготовки военнослужащих в руководящих документах Управления государственной охраны Украины и выдвинуты предложения по его оптимизации.
The article provides an analysis of the existing content of the physical training of military personnel in the guidelines of the Department of State Guard of Ukraine, and puts forward proposals for its optimization. According to the requirements of guidelines, physical training of military personnel of the Department of State Guard of Ukraine is one of the main subjects of professional training, an important and integral part of their training and education. It is intended to provide physical readiness of personnel to perform military service and professional activities and to facilitate the tasks of their training and education. For the purpose of military physical training its objectives are outlined. The content of physical training is defined to solve these tasks. It is set out in the current Guidance on physical training of the Department of State Guard of Ukraine and Programs of disciplines and subjects of physical training for relevant categories of military personnel. According to the above-mentioned documents the content is divided into means of general and special physical training. According to the opinion of experts, among the means of general physical training the most prominent place is given to exercises in power, speed and cross trainings. Means of special physical training contain the complex of hand-to-hand fighting techniques. However, to improve the efficiency of process of physical perfection for personnel and to achieve higher results of their service and professional activities, the current exercise and their percentage should be reviewed. It should be taken into account the military-applied specialization of physical training. It will help to improve the physical training of military personnel in general.