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dc.contributor.author Pet’ko, Lyudmila
dc.contributor.author Arsenyuk, Anastasia
dc.date.accessioned 2016-06-11T08:47:28Z
dc.date.available 2016-06-11T08:47:28Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.citation Arsenyuk Anastasia. Consumption and Society / Anastasia Arsenyuk, Lyudmila Pet’ko // Materiály X mezinárodní vědecko - praktická konference «Věda a vznik – 2013/2014». – Díl 27. Psychologie a sociologie ; Šéfredaktor: Prof. JUDr Zdenĕk Černák. – Praha : Publishing House «Education and Science» s.r.o, 2014. – S. 63–64. ua
dc.identifier.isbn 978-966-8736-05-6
dc.identifier.uri http://enpuir.npu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10526
dc.description 1. Baudrillard, Jean. Consumer Society / in Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings, ed. Mark Poster, Stanford, CA : Stanford University Press, 1979. – PP. 29–56 2. Carroll Christopher D. Consumption [Web site]. – Access mode: http://global.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/134578/consumption 3. Cherrier Hélène, Murray Jeff B. The Sociology of Consumption: The Hidden Facet of Marketing / Journal of Marketing Management, 2004. – № 20. – PP. 509–525. [Web site]. – Access mode: http://www.academia.edu/785453/The_sociology_of_consumption_the_hidden_facet_of_marketing 4. Consumption, Sociology of [Web site]. – Access mode: http://sociology_en.enacademic.com/402/consumption%2C_sociology_of 5. Edgell Stephen. Consumption Matters / Stephen Edgell, Kevin Hetherington, Alan Warde. Oxford : Blackwell, 1996 –321 p. 6. Otnes Per. The Sociology of Consumption: An Anthology. – Solum Forlag, 1988 – 192 p. 7. Martens Lydia. Bringing Children (and Parents) into the Sociology of Consumption. Towards a theoretical and empirical agenda / Lydia Martens, Dale Southerton, Sue Scott / Journal of Consumer Culture, 2004. – 4(2). – PP. 155–182. [Web site]. – Access mode:http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/morgancentre/people/staff/southerton/docs/children-sociology-consumption-southerton.pdf 8. What is Consumption? [Web site]. – Access mode: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/consumption.html ua
dc.description.abstract Описано суспільство споживання Визначено породжені ним морально-соціально наслідки, устрій соціального простору, що був створений в інтересах глобальної економіки. ua
dc.description.abstract The article is focused on the problem of сonsumer society in the ways of spiritual and biological threats to national security of global society in the aftermath of global trends and technological advances of civilization. ua
dc.language.iso en ua
dc.publisher Praha : Publishing House «Education and Science» s.r.o. ua
dc.relation.ispartofseries Соціологія;
dc.subject сonsumer society ua
dc.subject сonsumption ua
dc.subject sociology of sonsumption ua
dc.subject споживання ua
dc.subject суспільство споживання ua
dc.subject соціологія споживання ua
dc.subject.classification 141.1 ua
dc.title Consumption and Society ua
dc.title.alternative Споживання та суспільство ua
dc.type Article ua

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