В даній статті розглядаються координаційні особливості глухих дітей молодшого шкільного віку, що займаються оздоровчим туризмом. Розвиток координаційних здібностей є важливою складовою частиною освітнього процесу й розглядається як фонд нових рухових умінь та навичок і основа успішного розвитку їх фізичних якостей.
The article deals with coordination abilities of deaf children of primary school, who go in for health-improving tourism. Development of coordination abilities make an important constituent of educational process. The identification and development of coordination abilities are regarded as the basis which forms a fund of new motor skills, as a background and foundation of successful development of other physical qualities. The most significant deviations apply to motor coordination sphere displays. These deviations are one of the main reasons that hinder the formation of motor skills, development of physical abilities. Unfavorable indicators of general status of deaf students, secondary deflection of somatic and motor areas, breach of harmony in the physical characteristic of this category of children. Natural base coordination abilities are the properties of the nervous system (strength, mobility, balance nerve processes), individual variants of the cerebral cortex, the maturity of individual sections of the level of development and survival of sensory (hearing), the performance of mental processes (sensation, perception, memory 'memory, thinking), temperament, character, ability to regulate emotional state. This means that coordination abilities are determined by the biological and mental functions that children with hearing impairment are faulty foundation. These disorders lead to a mismatch of different functions, and, above all, between the functions of the motor system and those of other systems that provide work that hinders absorption of hard-motor coordination actions and, therefore, coordination abilities. In this regard, during the study took into account one of the main methodological guidelines: optimal combination of coordination exercises with directed development of physical qualities.