У статті досліджується динаміка функціональної активності (ФА) пацієнтів після холецистектомії. У дослідженні взяли участь 27 пацієнтів, які були рандомізовані на дві групи: група І (n=14) приймала тільки медикаментозні засоби, група ІІ (n=13) у поєднанні із фармакологічними препаратами мала реабілітаційне втручання. ФА визначали на основі шкали болю DoD/VA, шкали втоми Борга CR 10 (Borg CR10) та 6-ти хвилинного тесту ходи (6-minutes walking distance – 6MWD). Результати: в пацієнтів І групи ФА покращилася на 34,2% (р<0,01), а в пацієнтів ІІ групи – на 57,6% (р<0,001). Толерантність до фізичного навантаження зросла на 29,2% (р<0,01) в І групі та на 47,0% (р<0,001). Висновок. Реабілітація пацієнтів після холецистектомії, яка містить засоби фізичної реабілітації є ефективною та сприяє підвищенню ФА.
Restorative rehabilitation measures after laparoscopic cholecystectomy should be aimed at increasing the functional activity of patients. The aim of the work was to investigate the dynamics of functioning of patients after cholecystectomy in the long-term rehabilitation stage. 27 patients participated in the study, among which 29,63% (n=6) were men and 70,37% (n=19) were women aged 35 to 60 years. The examined patients were randomized into two groups: group I (n=14) received only medication, group II (n=13) received rehabilitation intervention in combination with pharmacological drugs. The functional activity of patients after cholecystectomy was determined based on the intensity of the pain syndrome, the assessment of general fatigue and the determination of tolerance to physical exertion based on the DoD/VA pain scale, the Borg CR10 fatigue scale (Borg CR10) and the 6-minute walking test distance – 6MWD). Results: The activity of patients after cholecystectomy depended on the intensity of the pain syndrome and its impact on daily activity, sleep, mood and feeling of stress and general weakness and fatigue. Thus, in patients of group I, activity improved by 34,2% (p<0,01), and in patients of group II – by 57,6% (p<0,001). Sleep in patients of both groups improved, as evidenced by a significant decrease in the number of points on the DoD/VA Pain scale, respectively, in the 1st group by 31,6% (p<0,05) and by – 60,1% (p<0,001). With the decrease in the manifestations of the pain syndrome, the mood of the patients improved, as evidenced by a decrease in questionnaire scores by 29,5% (p<0,05) in the I group and 55,6% (p<0,001) in the II group. The feeling of stress, as a result of the surgical intervention and pain, decreased by 31,9% (p<0,05) in the I group and by 52,0% in the II group (p<0,001). The feeling of general fatigue regressed by 27,6% (p<0,01) and by 53,6% (p<0,001), respectively, in groups I and II. Tolerance to physical exertion increased by 29,2% (p<0,01) in the 1st group and by 47,0% (p<0,001). Rehabilitation of patients after cholecystectomy, which, along with pharmacological interventions, includes means of physical rehabilitation helps to increase functional activity.