В статті висвітлені основні аспекти впровадження олімпійської освіти у навчально-виховний процес учнів 4-х класів. Проаналізовано анкетування учнів до та після проведення педагогічного експерименту. Визначено об’єм теоретичного матеріалу, що повинен забезпечити відповідний рівень знань учнів, що сприятиме веденню здорового способу життя.
В статье рассмотрены основные аспекты внедрения олимпийского образования в учебно-воспитательный процесс учеников 4-х классов. Проанализировано анкетирование учащихся до и после проведения педагогического эксперимента. Определен объем теоретического материала, который должен обеспечить соответствующий уровень знаний учащихся, и будет способствовать ведению здорового образа жизни.
The main areas of implementation of Olympic education in the educational process of 4th grade pupils are highlighted in the article. Attention is focused on reducing the level of physical health and physical development of primary school age pupils. An important aspect that will encourage them to conscious physical training, sports and healthy lifestyle is an equipage of the pupils with appropriate theoretical knowledge of Olympic education. The aim of the study. Determination of the theoretical component for integration of Olympic education in the educational process of the 4th grade pupils. The tasks of the study are: 1. To analyze bibliographic data and sources from Internet, theses of the specialists aimed at Olympic erudition of the pupils. 2. To conduct a survey at the beginning and in the end of the academic year to estimate the level of Olympic erudition. 3. To characterize the key directions of the educational process improvement using the means of Olympic education. The results of the experiment showed: relevant optimization of the level of knowledge of Olympic and sport themes in experimental group; allowed to identify the list of the key themes on Olympism that should be highlighted more broadly for the pupils of the 4th grade. The ideas and principles of Olympic education should form a desire for a healthy lifestyle, as this prompts the increasement of the number of pupils for training sport and participation in sports and public events. The perspectives of the further investigation lie in the spread of the Olympic education idea among the primary school age pupils.