Короткий опис(реферат):
The article is devoted to the study of the influence of nanoparticles SiO2
(NPs) on the growth of the roots of Arabidopsis thaliana, which serves as
a model of bivalve plants. The method of photonic correlation
spectroscopy showed that in an aqueous colloidal solution contains SiO2
particles in the size from 33 to 80 nm. Most of the particles (46%) have a
size of 58 nm. The solution of NPs increased the growth of roots by 1.7
times after 24-hour treatment, 1.6 times after 48 hours of treatment, 1.5
times after 72 hours. Also, on-the-cloud increased the number of
primordial lateral roots by 1.4 times. Microscopy of different areas of the
root allows to assert that at the concentration of NPs 0.07% toxic effect
was not detected. The investigated drug can be used to stimulate the
growth and rooting of cultivated plants.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
1. Summing up all the above, it can be argued that the use of NPs is accompanied by a
stimulating effect on growth and morphogenesis of the roots of bivalve plants. In this case, the
microscopy of different zones of the root can confirm that at a concentration of 0.07% NPs did not
show a toxic effect.
2. The cells of all areas of the main root remained similar to control. 3. A potential target for the influence of NPs is the apical meristemtic, both the prymary root
and the rudiments of the lateral roots.
4. Thus, the study drug NPs can be used to stimulate the growth and rooting of cultivated and wild plants