У статті здійснено аналіз аспектів, що впливають на формування конкурентного середовища мережі фітнес
клубів «Sport Life» у Львові. Подано характеристику сильних та слабких сторін внутрішнього середовища; можливості
та загрози зовнішнього середовища. Їх детальний аналіз дозволяє спрогнозувати стратегію і сформувати
конкурентне середовище функціонування мережі фітнес клубів «Sport Life» у Львові.
The aspects that influence on formation of the competitive environment of the fitness clubs "Sport Life"
network in Lviv are analyzed in article. Healthy competitive environment promotes the implementation of innovations, saving
resource costs, optimally satisfaction of demand, lowering prices, etc. The SWOT - analysis of the activity of the fitness club
"Sport Life" in Lviv allowed to establish strong (favorable placement, promotions for club cards, “freezing” of cards for a c ertain
period of time, support for social sports events, etc.) and weak (high prices, availability of only an annual sub scription, lack of
conditions for training of the disabled, etc.) sides of internal environment, opportunities (opening new clubs, attracting new
consumers, opening new fitness directions for pregnant women, disabled and elderly people, etc.) and threats (appearance of
new fitness clubs, low consumer activity, high inflation, low solvency of the population, raising of cards prices etc.) of ex ternal
environment. The analysis of the activity aspects of the fitness network “Sport Life” clubs has shown that the y create an
environment of competitiveness, they have the potential for further development and a number of advantages (constant
expansion of range services, programs for all categories of citizens, personal training) to potential competitors.