У статті розкрито критерії та показники сформованості готовності майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до
організації здоров’язбережувального навчально-виховного середовища, які покладені в основу комп’ютерної програми для
ефективного спостереження за педагогічним процесом у вищих навчальних закладах.
The article reveals the criteria and indicators of the
readiness of future teachers of physical culture for the organization of a health-saving, teaching-educational environment.
Development in the socio-economic and moral spheres of life of modern society requires the education system to educate a
person in a spirit of responsible attitude to one's own health and health as a higher social value, the formation of a high level of health of
children and students. In these conditions, the usage of computer technologies for assessing the level of preparedness of future physical
education teachers for the organization of health-saving space becomes the one of a great importance.
The readiness of future physical education teachers for the organization of the health-saving, teaching-educational
environment at comprehensive school is regarded as an integrative formation of personality that represents the unity of the value attitude
to health-improving activity in the educational space and the professional knowledge, skills and proficiency to strengthen and preserve
the health of students for their harmonious, intellectual, physical, mental and spiritual development.
The basis of diagnostic tools are: criteria (motivational, cognitive, procedural and reflexive), indicators and levels (low, medium
and high) of the readiness of future physical education teachers to organize a health-saving, teaching-educational environment, which
serve as the basis for a computer program, developed for effective monitoring of pedagogical process in higher educational institutions.