Стаття присвячена з’ясуванню жанрової специфіки творів Юрія Липи, визначенню особливостей інтерпретації поняття особистісної трансформації у драматичних поемах письменника. У статті досліджується специфіка розвитку дії й визначаються особливості розгортання драматичного конфлікту у творах Юрія Липи. Аналізується система образів у драматичних поемах.
Introduction. Dramatic poems by Yuriy Lypa are of considerable artistic value. Using the means of dramatic art, the author creates authoritative artistic works with a deep and intense philosophical subtext, covering a wide range of problems of existential content. The subject of Yuriy Lypa artistic comprehension becomes the sphere of human consciousness in a variety of manifestations and incarnations. Ideas that shape the content and artistic structure of dramatic poems acquire an independent value as they relate to global ideological principles and their artistic realization. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the genre parameters of the writer’s works; to define the specificity of artistic comprehension of ontological problems in his works; to outline correlation of content and forms in dramatic poems «Recruitment», «Dream of the Fair», «Parade at Night», «Tsar-Diva». Methods. The method of textual analysis is used in the article. Results. The article is devoted to the elucidation of genre specificity in works by Yuriy Lypa, the peculiarities of the interpretation of key issues are determined. The article comprehends the problems of personal changes that take place under the influence of internal and external factors, and determine the peculiarities of the dramatic conflict deployment in the literary works. The system of images in the dramatic poems is analyzed in correlation with the uniqueness of the fundamental ideas embodiment.
Originality. The research is devoted to the clarification of the philosophical aspects of the dramatic poems by Yuriy Lypa,which are inseparable from their artistic representation.
Conclusion. The dramatic works of Yuriy Lypa testify comprehension of the essential foundations, through which personality, national and eternal problems appear clearly. First of all, the playwright is interested in internal intentions, which point to a two-way connection of consciousness with the material world in which it exists and develops. The author investigates the forms of multi-level interaction through the formation of those changes that determine the way of further deploying internal and external processes.