Обґрунтовано актуальність застосування популярних видів рухової активності оздоровчої та прикладної
спрямованості у процесі фізичного виховання майбутніх учителів. Розкрито результати вивчення ефективності
покращення психофізичного стану студентів педагогічних спеціальностей засобами оздоровчого плавання.
The urgency of application of popular
kinds of motor activity of health and applied orientation in the process of physical education of future teachers is
substantiated. The results of studying the effectiveness of improvement of the psychophysical state of students of
pedagogical specialties by means of recreational swimming are revealed.
The professional readiness of future teachers, besides the satisfactory state of health, depends on a number of
psychophysical conditions of the organism. Successful implementation of pedagogical activity requires not only intellectual
and creative abilities, acquired professional knowledge and practical experience, but also sufficient level of psychophysical
state, in particular physical health, mental and physical capacity, psycho-emotional stability.
Нealth-improving swimming is the optimal type of motor activity of student youth, who is studying in higher
pedagogical educational institutions. In addition, swimming is popular among students regardless of gender and future
specialty. High variation in the volume and intensity of muscle activity in the process of health-improving swimming allows it to be used for students with different levels of physical health and motor preparedness.
To determine the effectiveness of exercise for health-improving swimming for students of pedagogical specialties
were selected tests for assessing physical condition and psycho-emotional condition (well-being, activity, mood), namely the
modified Harvard’s step-test and SUN-method.
The statistically significant dynamics of increase of indicators of physical efficiency, subjective characteristics of
well-being, activity and mood during the year has confirmed the effectiveness of the use of health-improving swimming for
the improvement of the psychophysical condition of students of higher pedagogical educational institutions.