У статті висвітлено сучасний стан виховання цілеспрямованості старших підлітків у фізкультурно-оздоровчій
діяльності. Із цією метою проаналізовано виховання цілеспрямованості старших підлітків у фізкультурно-оздоровчій
діяльності в загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах. Розкрито значення й ефективність виховання цілеспрямованості в
загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах й акцентовано на необхідності залучення учнів 7–9-х класів до фізкультурно-
оздоровчої діяльності. Також розкрито поняття „виховання цілеспрямованості” та визначено педагогічні умови, необхідні
для ефективного виховання готовності учнів основної школи до цілеспрямованості у фізкультурно-оздоровчій діяльності.
The article highlights the current state of upbringing of the purposefulness of senior teenagers in physical culture and
health activities. With this purpose, the education of purposefulness of senior teenagers in physical culture and health activities in
general educational institutions is analyzed. The importance and efficiency of education of purposefulness in general educational
institutions is revealed and it is emphasized on the necessity of attracting pupils of 7–9 grades to physical culture and recreation activity.
Also, the concept of "education of purposefulness" and the pedagogical conditions necessary for effective education of the students of
the main school to the purposefulness in physical culture and health activities are determined.
Problems of physical education and recreation activities have always been in the focus of attention of society that is why our
research is timely and underexplored problem. In modern conditions of rapid changes, renewal and development of Ukrainian society a
problem of improvement of pedagogical conditions, content, forms and methods of educational work with students becomes a pressing
issue. Timeliness of our research’s topic is defined by a gradual decrease of teenagers’ interest to physical education and recreation
activities that leads to inadequate physical development and formation of students as individuals. These problems in modern conditions
related primarily to the lack of studying and implementation of advanced educational experience, not elaborated innovative educational
technologies etc. Advanced experience confirms that the most appropriate in these circumstances is the use of forms and methods of
preventive effects that contribute to the education of the older teens active position aimed at overcoming the habits and the factors that
cause deviation in their behavior and organization of targeted educational work with youth pupils.
The article deals with the main theoretical aspects of development of teenagers’ dedication to purpose by means of physical
education and recreation activities. To this end, development of dedication to purpose in general education institutions is analyzed and
the need to involve students in physical education and recreation activities is emphasized; the notions of “dedication to purpose”,
“development of dedication to purpose” are defined.