У статті розглянуто освітні законодавчі документи та визначено їх суперечливість та наявність положень, які
немають можливості практичного втілення, що значно знижує ефективність фізичного виховання школярів різного стану
здоров’я, а також запропоновано шляхи їх удосконалення.
The purpose of the article is to determine the ways to optimize the regulatory framework for
increasing the effectiveness of physical education of schoolchildren.
The article deals with educational legislative documents and determines their inconsistency and the existence of provisions
that do not have the possibility of practical implementation, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of physical education of
schoolchildren of different health status, and suggests ways to improve them. With the purpose of optimization of the nomative and legal
base for increasing the efficiency of physical education of schoolchildren, it is suggested: to eliminate contradictions and discrepancies
between different points; Regulations on medical and pedagogical control over the physical education of students in the general
educational institutions; to conduct lessons of physical culture, starting from the 1st class, to distribute the class into groups, according to
established medical groups, but not less than 8 people, and not more than 12 in the group; to ensure health saving educational
environment for students who, for health reasons, belong to a special medical group, by updating the legislation on additional lessons on
curative physical education (2 lessons per week at the expense of the curricular part of the curriculum) with the aim of strengthening or
correcting the health of studentswith the aim of preventing accidents and increasing the effectiveness of physical education with
schoolchildren of different health status, to emphasize (as required by legislative documents) the need to conduct physical education
classes only by a specialist in physical culture and sports, in particular classes with students who for health reasons belong to a special
medical group, should be conducted only by a specialist in psychological and pedagogical specialized education, which provides for
work This category of students (expert in physical rehabilitation / physical education teacher, or a teacher of physical culture in special
medical groups that to be introduced).