У статті розглянуто питання формування навичок здорового способу життя студентів закладів вищої освіти у процесі їхнього фізичного виховання. Теоретично обґрунтовано складові технології здоров'язбереження студентів. Виділено структурні компоненти системи педагогічного впливу на інтелектуальну, емоційно-вольову та практичну діяльність студентів у процесі формування здорового способу життя засобами здоров'язберігаючої технології. Визначено здоров'язберігаючі засоби, застосування котрих сприятиме успішній реалізації розробленої технології.
The questions of forming the habits of healthy lifestyle of students of institutions of higher education in the process of their physical education it is considered. That the new quality of education can be achieved only with the creation of certain conditions aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students іt is determined. The task of the work – the components of the technology of health protection of students of university in the process of their physical education is to theoretically substantiate. Methods of research: to solve the problems, general-scientific methods of theoretical level of research were used: analysis, synthesis, method of reconstruction and theoretical modeling. That health preservation is a collection of techniques, methods, methods of pedagogical work, which, supplementing traditional technologies of education and education, give them signs of health preservation it is established. The components of the students' health preservation technologies are theoretically grounded. The purpose of the technology: to preserve and strengthen the health of students through the acquisition of healthy lifestyle skills in the process of learning in accordance with the possibilities of physical education. To provide the student with the possibility of maintaining his or her health by means of physical education; to form him the necessary knowledge, skills and skills and to teach how to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life is the directing health preservation technology Health preservation funds, the use of which will contribute to the successful implementation of the developed technology а have been identified.