У статті розкрито сучасні підходидо фізичного виховання дітей дошкільного та молодшого шкільного віку. Визначено загальний характер та спрямованість запропонованих методик занять фізичними вправами для дошкільнят та школярів-початківців.
The article reveals modern approaches to the physical education of children of preschool and elementary school age. The general character and direction of the proposed methods of physical activity exercises for pres choolchildren and novice schoolchildren nare determined. Senior preschool and junior school age is one of the periods of accelerated growth and development of children's organism, characterized by wide opportunities for the formation of motor experience and the development of most physical qualities. Practical experience and there sults of numer ous studiesin dicate the existence in this period of humanont ogenesiso flarge, ofte nunused, psychophysiological reserves of child development. Dissatisfaction with traditional physical education classes at preschool institutions and at the initial stage of institutions of secondary education has identified the need to develop new, more effective means, methods and forms of
physical education for children. Recently, dissatisfaction with traditional physical education occupations in general education institutions of a considerable part of children has been observed. This is reflected in a decrease in interest in them, as well as in reducing the
level of physical development, physical fitness and health of children Contemporary developments in the organization of exercises with children in nature are mainly health and development orientations, since they include pedagogical impact on health promotion, compensatory functions development, physical development deficienci eselimination, increased organole pticre sistance to adver seeffects the internal and externa l environment, the development of children's mobility through physical culture. Today, in physical education, preschoolers and junior pupils use a lot of health-improving programs, the feature of which is competitive games.