Розглядаються проблеми здоров’я сучасної молоді, аналізуються поняття «здоров’я» та «здоровий спосіб життя», обґрунтовується психолого-педагогічна структура формування здорового способу життя студентів в умовах вищого навчального закладу.
The article analyses problems of the health of modern youth, concepts of "health" and
"healthy lifestyle", it gives ground to psychological and pedagogical structure of formation of a healthy lifestyle of students in the conditions of a higher educational institution. The authors prove that the formation of health and healthy lifestyle is the subject of research of many branches of knowledge: philosophy, sociology, physiology, valeology, psychology, physical culture and sports. The problem of health as a subject of interdisciplinary research today is presented in a variety of literature. As part of a
comprehensive approach, health is seen as a multidimensional phenomenon, heterogeneous in its composition, which combines qualitatively different components and reflects the fundamental aspects of human existence. Polyvariance of philosophical and
scientific interpretations of health requires a complex integrative approach in constructing a model of a healthy personality. Such an approach fully corresponds to the principle of the integrity of the psyche, which is followed by local psychologists, starting with LS
Vygotsky, AN Leontiev, SL Rubinstein In the second half of the twentieth century, the principles of integrated study, grounded in the world of interdisciplinary system theory, were introduced in various areas of knowledge about man and formed a new research
paradigm. It is justified by the need to improve health, indicators of healthy lifestyle, and opportunities for its implementation. The formation of a healthy lifestyle for the health of young people is due to the fact that it is in younger years that we perceive certain
norms and patterns of behavior, are aware of needs and motives, define value orientations. The article reveals the features of a healthy lifestyle and the influence of its components on the student's daily life. It emphasizes the use of health-saving technologies andconsiders factors of health and work on propaganda of a healthy way of life. Conditions of formation of a healthy way of life and readiness for health preservation activity are determined.