В роботі показані нові можливості пливу на прояви спритності футболісті спеціальними правами в умовах мікроциклів спеціальної спрямованості. Аналіз проведено в двох групах футболістів - основного і дублюючого складу, вік
спортсменів був відповідно 17 ± 1,0 і 22 ± 1,5 років. Всі без виключення футболісти, які приймали участь у експерименті, підвищили ефективність ігрових прийомів, навіть у більш складних рухах, що свідчить, з одного боку, про недостатній попередній рівень розвитку спритності при виконанні складних за координацією рухів у обстежених спортсменів, а з іншого боку, пояснюється впливом використання в тренувальному процесі спеціальних вправ для розвитку спритності. В цілому, точність виконання всіх ігрових прийомів підвищилася у кожного футболіста, а приріст цього показника для команди слід вважати статистично суттєвим (t = 2,7 при 5% рівні).
The work shows the new possibilities of floating on the manifestation of the skill of football players with special rights in the conditions of special purpose microcycles. It has been shown that in all tests (except for one - running at 40m in a straight line, which evaluated the speed - strength qualities) there is an improvement in the results, however, the level of probability of the values of changes is ambiguous. The statistically insignificant increase was found in the value of the indicator of muscular differentiation, during the experiment, the indicators of this test increased by only 10%. The probability of difference (t = 1,4; P> 0,05) is low, which can be explained by high interindividual variation (V = 16 - 18%). At the same time, changes in timing and accuracy of ball transfer performance were statistically significant. In tests conducted in laboratory conditions there was a significant increase in results; in the tests conducted in the field, the reliability of the difference between the output and the final data was slightly higher. This can be explained by the fact that training exercises for agility reflect the specific game situations that could have arisen on the football field. All without exception, the players who participated in the experiment, increased the effectiveness of gaming techniques, even in more complex movements, indicating, on the one hand, the lack of prior development of agility in the implementation of difficult coordination of movements in the surveyed athletes, and on the other hand, due to the influence of the use of special exercises in the training process for the development of dexterity. In all types of gear the coefficient of accuracy of their performance has increased; at the same time, the growth was only significant in the performance of short and medium programs that were carried forward. The greatest values of these increments are recorded for the attackers and midfielders, which this technique is one of the main ones in their gaming activity, since they operate in a penalty area, where the range of transfers is limited and there is a constant active opposition from the opponent. The accuracy of the execution of long gears has increased statistically insignificantly (t= 1,4). At the same time, the greatest increments in this indicator are registered with the defenders, who, according to the tactics of the game, often use such transfers (forward and diagonal) to start a quick counterattack. In the conditions of the experiment, the reliability of the game by the head in a jump and the indicators of the game by the head in a static position have increased statistically significantly; and in this case, the more complex element of the coordination, as a result of special training had a greater increase. In general, the accuracy of all gaming techniques has increased for every player, and the increase of this indicator for the
team should be considered statistically significant (t = 2.7 at 5% level).