На прикладі орієнтовних планів мікроциклів тренувального процесу кваліфікованих бігунів на середні та довгі
дистанції розроблено методику їх застосування в осінньо-зимовому макроциклі. Запропоновані орієнтовні плани мікроциклів бігунів на витривалість в осінньо-зимовому макроциклі спрямовані на вирішення основних завдань як осінньо-
зимового підготовчого, так і зимового змагального періодів.
Typical plans of training process micro cycles for qualified middle distance and long distance runners have served as an example to develop the methodology for their applying in autumn-winter macro cycle. It should be noted that in most cases the intensity of using the training exercises ranges from 20 % to 95 % of performing the training exercises with rational content by qualified endurance runners. The number of exercise series, depending on the stage of training, ranges from one to five, and the number of exercise repeats in series ranges from one to six at every analyzed stage.
The specific feature of the methodology for training in autumn-winter macro cycle is the range of the rest interval duration not only between series of the used exercises, but also between sets, that ranges from four to twenty and from two to twenty minutes respectively. The offered typical plans of micro cycles for endurance runners in autumn-winter macro cycle are oriented at solving the major tasks of the autumn-winter training stage as well as those of the winter competitive stage.