У статті обґрунтовано необхідність застосування раціонально організованої рухової активності жінок першого зрілого віку з надмірною вагою та цукровим діабетом 2 типу. Окрему увагу приділено змісту та особливостям занять фітнесом з жінками 21-35 років, хворими на цукровий діабет 2 типу.
The article substantiates the necessity of using the rationally organized motor activity of women of the first adult age with overweight and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Particular attention is paid to the content and features of fitness activities with women 21-35 years old, patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Obesity many times increases the risk of developing many diseases, including type 2 diabetes, especially in combination with hereditary predisposition, arterial hypertension, sedentary lifestyle, inappropriate nutrition. The development of type 2 diabetes occurs in most cases over the age of 40 years, a carbohydrate metabolism disorder may also occur in women of the first mature age in the face of overweight, chronic liver disease, pancreas, kidneys, co ncomitant diseases of the glands of the inner secretion in the presence of appropriate heredity. One of the most effective ways to combat excess body weight is to increase the level of motor activity through exercises. Rationally organized motor activity is a pledge to combat excess body weight of women, with particular attention to the need for the dosage of physical activity during exercise with women of the first mature age with obesity complicated by type 2 diabetes. The use of physical exercises of patients with type 2 diabetes in modern methods of treatment was not sufficiently theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified. Particular attention is being paid to the features of the selection and use of physical exercises of women of the first mature age with obesity related to type 2 diabetes. Physical loads of moderate intensity for medium and large groups of muscles with a limited number of repetitions, exercises at a slow and moderate pace alternating with dynamic respiratory exercises, on the contrary, contribute to the
consumption of glucose from the blood and its complete cleavage in the muscles, reducing the content of sugar in the blood It is precisely on the use of such exercises that the content of fitness classes is constructed with women suffering from obesity and type 2 diabetes