Розглянуто питання реалізації принципів гуманізму у процесі фізичного виховання студентів, у відповідності із
сучасними вимогами модернізації освіти й виховання. Установлено, що гуманістичний підхід у фізичному вихованні
передбачає реалізацію ключових принципів гуманізму у формуванні його змісту, з урахуванням індивідуальних
особливостей, потреб та мотивів кожного студента. Визначено основні напрями гуманізації фізичного виховання
студентів задля ефективної реалізації цілей і завдань цього процесу.
The article questions of the implementation of the principles of humanism in the
process of physical education of students, in accordance with modern requirements for the modernization of education and
education is considered. The umanization of education is one of the new pedagogical principles. A direction of development of
education on human relations in this process. The humanization of physical education as an integral part of education acts as an
inalienable factor in its democratization is a which reflects. It represents the process of creating the necessary conditions for selfrealization
of the individual, which contributes to the disclosure of its potential.
The task of the work – the principles of implementing the ideas of humanism in the educational process of the process of
physical education the students’ of universitу to highlight.
That the humanistic approach in physical education involves the implementation of its key principles in the formation of its
content, based on the individual characteristics, needs and motives of each student it has been established. The basic directions of
humanization of physical education of students are determined for the effective realization of the goals and objectives of this process
it was defined. A building the process of physical education of students based on the principles of humanization and personal
orientation encouraging students to further development and physical self-improvement a involves. Humanization of education
should become a prerequisite for the physical education of modern students is a provided. A person-centered approach must be
considered as the key psychological and pedagogical principle of the organization of the educational process. The principle of
humanism in physical education is, first of all, the system of self-knowledge and self-development of the student's individuality,
provided that he interacts with the teacher, whose main task is to help students in self-determination, to create maximum conditions
for physical and spiritual development.