У статті наведено результати експериментальних досліджень з виявлення структури технічної підготовленості волейболісток. Наведено параметри технічної підготовленості волейболісток з кваліфікацією від ІІІ спортивного розряду до майстра спорту.
В данной работе представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований по выявлению структуры технической подготовленности волейболисток. Приведены параметры технической подготовленности волейболисток с квалификацией от III спортивного разряда до мастера спорта.
In the given work results of experimental researches on revealing structure of technical readiness volleyball-players are submitted. Parameters of technical readiness volleyball-players with qualification from III sports category up to the master of sports are given. A technique of game is a complex of the special receptions necessary to the volley-baller for the successful participating in a game. On every stage it роз-she is a coil the means of conduct of sport fight that gives an opportunity to the player within the limits of rules to decide certain practical tasks in different playing situations. An effective technique differs in high coordinated, firmness and economy, allows to the sportsman you attained the greatest results in competitions. In recent year an all greater value in many types of sport gets to the sport technique. Thus the special weight the technical have in the so-called difficult-co-ordinating and playing types of sport, volley-ball belongs to that. Here other things being equal (physical and volitional preparation and others like that) usually achieves success and command the players of that own a sport technique better. Technical preparedness of volley-ballers is characterized by a degree of mastering providing the achievement of high results the sportswoman of the system of motions characteristic for this type of sport. The successful, effective actions of volley-ballers in the conditions of playing situations, that change instantly, are possible only at terms, if sportswomen own all riches of various technical receptions and methods, able to сhoose the most suitable reception or connection of receptions, quickly and exactly to execute them.